Live & Let Live Farm

Result: (1-1 of 6)

Opportunity:Clean up of Ned's Barn

Date:09/20/2024 09:00 AM - 09/20/2024 12:00 PM

Agency:Live & Let Live Farm

Seasonal clean up of Ned's Barn. 

Small Barn used for temporary animal shelter, grooming and tool storage 

Will work to clean and organize for fall/winter

Opportunity:Goat Paddock Cleaning and Maintenance

Date:09/20/2024 09:00 AM - 09/20/2024 03:00 PM

Agency:Live & Let Live Farm

Deep cleaning of goat paddock #11 and #11a

Muck, clear and removal work 

Opportunity:Grounds Maintenance

Date:09/20/2024 09:00 AM - 09/20/2024 03:00 PM

Agency:Live & Let Live Farm

Weed Whacking and cleanup around animal paddocks, watering areas, working areas around the farm.  Each group of two will have a person to run the weed whacker and someone to clean up debris.

Please feel free to bring your own weed whacker or favorite maintenance tools


Opportunity:New Lumber Stacking

Date:09/20/2024 09:00 AM - 09/20/2024 12:00 PM

Agency:Live & Let Live Farm

Unload new lumber and stack for building project


Date:09/20/2024 09:00 AM - 09/20/2024 03:00 PM

Agency:Live & Let Live Farm

Painting fence rails and run in shelters in the paddocks around the farm.

Opportunity:Unload storage pod of swag clothing and sort

Date:09/20/2024 09:00 AM - 09/20/2024 03:00 PM

Agency:Live & Let Live Farm

Unload storage pod of swag clothing and sort by season and size

Farm Personnel will accompany this job for direction and organization